Psalm 77:11-12

I shall remember the deeds of the LORD; surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
I will meditate on all Your work and muse on Your deeds. Psalm 77:11-12

Saturday, April 23, 2011

A River Runs Through It

I live on a hillside by a valley with a large 'creek' that leads to the Ohio River.
The South side of our property has a smaller creek that leads to the larger one 
which is why the pasture behind me is full of water.
It has been crazy-wet this Spring, and today was the wettest!
Even on our hillside I stood in an inch of water everywhere I went
for over an hour while making sure all the torrents of water 
went away from, and not under, the house.
It was also a good time to check trouble spots and make plans for improvements. 
(Best time to check where the water goes when it downpours, is when it downpours.)
After 5 years it looks like we've finally got most of it diverted.
I think we've had "lakefront" property more than not so far in 2011!
By the time I posted this the water was up close to the drive.
We'll see if we can get out for Easter service in the AM...

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