Psalm 77:11-12

I shall remember the deeds of the LORD; surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
I will meditate on all Your work and muse on Your deeds. Psalm 77:11-12

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Because Life is Hard and We All Need Reminding That We're Loved

So it's been a pretty rough week, and I'll leave it at that. But the more I cling to the Lord, the more I see Him sustaining me.

It would be better if I was more faithful in the Word, but He who is faithful when we are faithless fills my life with His love and care anyway, sending numerous little reminders, because I belong to Him and because He knows life is hard and we all need reminding that we're loved.

Some of the gifts from just the last 24 hours:

- I go to have a test done, it's a slow day, so I get time to visit with two of the techs. Answering their questions about Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus leads to sharing some of what God is teaching me and how He has provided, listening to the struggles they are facing, and praying for them before leaving. We are all encouraged, because life is hard and we all need reminding that we're loved.

- After a very long day that leaves us wondering if we should cancel Bible study, we stick it out and God provides strength, a wonderful discussion and a sweet time of fellowship with brothers and sisters some decades younger. We are all encouraged, because life is hard at all ages and we all need reminding that we're loved.

- It's Palm Sunday. I'd like to, but could not possibly get out of bed. Slept in until 10:30. After rising I enjoy Hillsong's Hosanna over and over. The guys tell me that they sang that version at service today. I felt like part of the body. That was a nice gift, too.

- There are friends I wanted to check in with, many who are fighting battles themselves, but today I missed out. To my delight, the Lord unexpectedly brought one of them to me for awhile this afternoon. It is good to share the reality of our mutual neediness and pray together, because life is hard and we all need reminding that we're loved.

The second one
- I decide that after numerous less-than-ideal meals, my guys need something really nutritionally dense. I decide on Butternut Squash Soup, a family favorite, and when I cut open the first one and scoop out the seeds there is a perfectly-formed heart there. (Sadly, I sort of smushed it before the pic.) I understand it as a love note from my Heavenly Father and it is sweet and makes me smile. But then the Doubter whispers that I'm being silly. Seeing too many "love gifts". Being foolish. And I can't remember it, but maybe there are hearts in them all. So I cut open the second one, a little nervously, and see the truth: it was, indeed, a love note.

James 1:16,17 says:  Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights... 

It is never silly to look for them. I believe it brings the Lord joy when we recognize the gifts He gives. They are part of His provision for us, because He knows that life is hard and we all need reminding that we're loved.

The LORD opens the eyes of the blind;
         The LORD raises up those who are bowed down;
         The LORD loves the righteous;  
                                                       Psalm 146:8


  1. They are part of His provision for us, because He knows that life is hard and we all need reminding that we're loved.

    Missy, how true the above is!:) Our Father knows exactly what we need and when we need it. From a specific answer to a specific prayer, an opportunity to witness to one who is ministering to our physical needs by the running of yet more tests. . . to showing us a very simple beauty from his creation that yet affirms his great love for us! Our God is good! He is faithful and he will sustain you during this time in your life.

    Your writing is encouraging. God is using you during this trying time to be a testimony for him. God's light is shining through you, my friend. May you continue to keep your eyes on him who cares for you.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord lift his countenance upon you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24

    Love and prayers,

  2. Thanks T! I know that you know His provision when life isn't what we had planned on. You yourself have been a model to me in walking with grace.
    Love you, too!

  3. The heart is so pretty! (Wondering if you'd share the butternut squash soup recipe if it is a hot soup...)
