Psalm 77:11-12

I shall remember the deeds of the LORD; surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
I will meditate on all Your work and muse on Your deeds. Psalm 77:11-12

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Not-So-Fine Feature Meets The Lust of the Eyes

I think if a woman is honest, she has to admit that she has at least one feature she is content with and one she would rather trade in.
For example: I'll keep my hair. It's pretty thick, relatively low maintenance, not graying too fast, but definitely throwing in a couple of white ones to mark my increasing maturity. In general it isn't a bother and doesn't draw attention to itself: a keeper feature.
Then there are my feet. Um, how do I say this delicately? They're flappin' humongous. You can say what you want, but a 10.5-11 medium shoe on a woman who is 5'6" is hugely out of proportion. HOWEVER, it almost never bothers me now that I no longer live with my father who was always asking if I wasn't cold with so much of me laying on the ground all the time. After all, a solid foundation is a good thing and I've had years to grow accustomed to them. I can't really even complain anymore about the difficulty in finding shoes like when I was young because there are now enough sasquatchian types like myself to motivate shoe manufacturers to provide for us.
But today my husband mentioned a particular Danish clog sale and I saw THIS at 60% off (with no tax and free shipping!) I want them. No, I need them. (Yeah, okay, not really, but I needed some dramatic phrasing.) But we can never be together because this amazing clog with all of its glorious red and pink patterns would LOOK ABSOLUTELY STUPID ON MY GARGANTUAN FEET.
I will get through this. I will overcome. I may even, somehow, triumph and grow as a person because of this disappointment. In the meantime, I will pull myself together and count my blessings: exactly $58.00 and the avoidance of another chance to look foolish.


  1. These are beautiful! A friend, with small feet, owns them. With your shoe size there would be so much more beautiful shoe to look at! ;)

  2. True, indeed, and then there is the added bonus of feeling that kinship with Bozo the Clown... ;)

    So tell me, in person are they truly pink and red like the picture or are they orange as the color is called in the description?

  3. I love those... are you sure they would look horrendous on your foot? I mean, you know your feet best, but those are some cute clogs!
