Psalm 77:11-12

I shall remember the deeds of the LORD; surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
I will meditate on all Your work and muse on Your deeds. Psalm 77:11-12

Monday, February 28, 2011

3-2-1 Eggnog

We have our own eggs again! 
I'm so thankful to God for creating chickens!
Most of the time, that is. ;) 
Having fresh eggnog for breakfast 
this morning was a delight. 
 3-2-1-2-3 is our easy to remember formula. 
I don't make this with store-bought eggs 
because of the risk of salmonella.
3 cups milk
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 shakes nutmeg
3 packets stevia

Blend very briefly on low.
If you prefer sugar, substitute for the stevia to taste.


  1. YUM! I should try that for Paul. He loves eggnog, and he usually just drinks at Christmastime. I have access to non-store bought eggs too. Good idea! I made it once in Spain about 28 years ago. It was good then.

  2. Carol,
    This was almost more of an 'eggmilk'--very light. But it's an easy recipe to play with--you can use half n half, add an egg, more or less vanilla, etc. If I need to get protein into the family before heading out the door, this is a good way to do it and I add an egg and more vanilla to cover it.

  3. Oh, how I'd love to have chickens again!

  4. We want chickens! (But not in our apartment.) You are blessed. :)
