We're enjoying our lake for the week and today C convinced G to build a raft out of the old fencing so he could go for a float on the flood. It was not an overwhelming success; in short, it didn't really float and he was very disappointed.
It brought to mind this devotional by Elisabeth Elliot that has brought me comfort from time to time.
Someday, I hope, it will bring him comfort, too.
"Nevertheless We Must Run Aground"
from Keep A Quiet Heart, by Elisabeth Elliot
The story of Paul's voyage as a prisoner across the Adriatic Sea tells how an angel stood beside him and told him not to be afraid (in spite of winds of hurricane force), for God would spare his life and the lives of all with him on board ship. Paul cheered his guards and fellow passengers with that word, but added, "Nevertheless, we must run aground on some island" (Acts 27:26, NIV).
"Running aground," then, is not the end of the world. But it helps to make the world a bit less appealing. It may even be God's answer to "Lead us not into temptation"--the temptation complacently to settle for visible things.
What great "huck finn" type shots. Sorry you are waterlogged!