The Lord brought me my firewood this weekend. I am not even kidding. He will never cease to amaze and fascinate and entertain me with the clever ways He shows me how much He loves me.
We heat mostly with wood, and now that our house is fully insulated we got through the winter with little gas use - an important financial step for us. But getting firewood can be a hard chore and now, most of the time, it's too hard for me to do without help.
Last summer the electric company cut down trees under the lines by the road and left me two piles of small logs. On one Fall day I was able to clear the poison ivy and brush so my guys could retrieve the first large pile to bring it up, cut and split it. The second pile, though, was deep into the brush down by the creek and the first job had done me in, so it was more than I could manage. (You see, the manly V's are highly allergic to PI and PO, but we of the weaker sex seem to be immune, so clearing the brush is up to me.) Sadly I gave up hope of retrieving that precious second pile of logs.
But just to bless me and make me smile, on Sunday the Lord of the wind and the waves sent just what was needed to float the logs back toward our house and pasture one by one while leaving the nasty ick down at the road! At this point, when the water goes down, a simple drive through the pasture will allow us to collect all the logs!
I can't think of a sweeter gift from my Heavenly Father. He takes such good care of me.
Psalm 34:8-10
O taste and see that the LORD is good;
How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!
O fear the LORD, you His saints;
For to those who fear Him there is no want.
The young lions do lack and suffer hunger;
But they who seek the LORD shall not
be in want of any good thing.
That is just awesome!