Psalm 77:11-12

I shall remember the deeds of the LORD; surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
I will meditate on all Your work and muse on Your deeds. Psalm 77:11-12

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Eyes to See, Fingers to Speak, and a Heart for Giving Thanks

In the last year I have been given the gift of sight. It seems to be in direct proportion to the amount my life has slowed down, and was in exchange, apparently, for my old gift of speech.
The articulation that I used to enjoy in conversation is now best expressed through my fingers instead of my mouth. The thoughts that I struggle to put together when I talk now flow freely when I type. It's interesting, to me anyway, that when the verbal part shuts down the tactile opens the gates pretty wide.
And so this blog which originally was to post a picture a day as a way to do some small creative thing when all other creativity was gone, has become a means to enjoy both the new things and ways I'm seeing and the best way I can communicate them. In the process I realized some of what the Lord has been doing with this time. He has given me eyes to see: I can see and and am thankful for things now that I never used to see at all. He has cultivated joy which has been put into context by my sadness and given me an awareness of how blessed I am every day. In essence I have been given the gift of sight and am astonished. My life is overflowing with things for which I can honestly give thanks; things that were always there, but unrecognized.
Today's picture is a good example. I am amazed at the beauty of these hostas I 'photographed'. (A fancy way of saying I am now able to use the basic features of my little purple point-and-shoot.) I feel like this is the first time in my life that I have ever really seen them in all their glory. But I have had hostas for years! And strangely I have always thought of their blooms as lacking interest, just an aside to their generous leaves. How could I have been so wrong? How could I have missed that incredible beauty all these years? By simply moving too fast to see the signature of the Artist, I guess. Plants are not 'just plants'. They are complex creations, artistic expressions, designed by a benevolent, limitless Creator, who is full of goodness, has unfathomable insights, and who appreciates the value of contrast.
This week I have had three friends lose loved ones to the sting of death. It is my prayer for them all that they will have 'eyes to see' and can give thanks to the One who 'gives and takes away' for the joys that were theirs and the privilege of knowing those who passed, even as they grieve their parting. The pain of parting with a father, a mother or a brother is their reminder of the blessings they once enjoyed and that, since the beginning of time, we are eternal creatures and this separation is just not how it is supposed to be nor how, in the end, it will remain. I am praying for God's provision of grace and strength and further blessing during this time and for 'eyes to see' His provision. It is an act of sacred worship to choose to be thankful for the blessings when The Curse seems to have won a major victory.
I was recently ready to announce that I was over the Epstein-Barr virus, but it seems I have stuck a toe back in either because I have been doing too much, sleeping too little (old habits die hard) or just because I'm in a down cycle. It is mild, and even if it wasn't, it is okay because I recognize that there are valuable aspects to the low times and I actually appreciate the juxtaposition* now. Slow is good. Slow is a relief and a respite and a way to see more clearly. (OK, usually it is those things. Sometimes it's a just a real pain in the back end. See, I am very far from having arrived, just in case there was any doubt.) Nevertheless, I think that I have learned the benefits enough now to be able to either find them or wait for them even in a notable downturn. (But please don't quote me on that if I prove myself wrong in the future.)

 The LORD opens the eyes of the blind;
The LORD raises up those who are bowed down...
Praise the LORD!
Psalm 146:8

*Generally, juxtaposition, or contrasting is an act or instance of placing two things close together or side by side, in order to show unlikeness or differences, to note the opposite qualities of the two, etc.


  1. Photography has done this for me. I see much more clearly these days--actually, I simply see *more.* And capturing some of what I see has been a means of bringing what I see into my life, and it has been a window to the Father when some of the more familiar windows have been shuttered.

  2. This is wonderful! It's so good that you are seeing--and that instead of speaking of it, you are capturing it to remember in busier days that are yet ahead. Blessings of healing to you. And yes about the hostas. I "discovered" mine a few years ago, after having been ready to dig them up.
