"Waiting on God isn't about the suspension of meaning and purpose. It's part of the meaning and purpose that God has brought into my life. Waiting on God isn't to be viewed as an obstruction in the way of the plan. Waiting is an essential part of the plan. For the child of God, waiting isn't simply about what I'll receive at the end of my wait. No, waiting is much more purposeful, efficient, and practical than that. Waiting is fundamentally about what I'll become as I wait. God is using the wait to do in and through me exactly what He's promised. Through the wait He's changing me. By means of the wait He's altering the fabric of my thoughts and desires. Through the wait He's causing me to see and experience new things about Him and His kingdom. And all of this sharpens me, enabling me to be a more useful tool in His redemptive hands" (emphasis mine).
Paul Tripp
Paul Tripp
But it is the kind of thing that affects real people and to act on it w/o being certain of the Lord's direction could be very bad indeed.
Waiting is a small form of suffering and therefore good practice for learning obedience. We creatures walk to the sound of a drumming heartbeat and often it says, "Hurry. Hurry. Hurry. Hurry." and "Now. Now. Now. Now." to which our all-wise Teacher says "Wait." It goes against a powerful current and the strain is often tangible. I am acquainted with many good young people and this juncture, as they see it, between now and the rest of their lives can be excruciating because of the waiting. But it is mighty purposeful, as Mr. Tripp says, "...in His redemptive hands."
Waiting is also a skill that is good to master early because as life goes on the stakes get higher, and peace in the process is as useful to the believer who waits for some things as a life jacket is to the sailor washed overboard. Waiting for that final call from the employer, waiting for the diagnosis, waiting for the ER doctor to bring the news, waiting for a spouse, waiting to check the health of your newborn, waiting to serve the Lord in a particular way, these are circumstances that stretch the most practiced person of faith. It's good then for waiting to have a familiar feel.
Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD. Psalm 27:14
We know that God is good. We wait to see how His goodness will be manifested and whether or not we will recognize the good in it now or if we will have to wait further.
And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
And His purpose is to conform us to the image of His Son. Waiting is part of that conforming. It is the part which bows our will to the Father's, the part which says, "Not my will, but yours be done." It is contentment, the perfect unity of wills. When we can be at peace in the absence of what we want or in the presence of what we do not want, that is Contentment 101. When we want only what God wants, that is Contentment 400.
Jim Elliot said, "God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him." So we wait to see His choice, His best, the as yet unrevealed will that pleases Him. And we trust Him in the process and learn to be at peace. And it finds favor with Him.
"The LORD favors those who fear Him, Those who wait for His lovingkindness." Psalm 147:11