Psalm 77:11-12

I shall remember the deeds of the LORD; surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
I will meditate on all Your work and muse on Your deeds. Psalm 77:11-12

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Me on Mother's Day

My youngest took my picture today. 
(I hate having my picture taken.)

I've gotten old and quite 'fluffy'
in the last year.

(Did I mention that I hate having my picture taken? And I really hate having it posted or viewed....
which I'm pretty sure is a form of vanity.)

So here is old, fluffy, vain me. :) 

I know: Here is a picture of my $1 jacket. I got it at a rummage sale last year.  I love it. It's timeless because it's so funky. 

(Ignore the woman behind the jacket....ahhh, SO much better.)


  1. I think the woman behind the jacket is lovely...and I so much *love* good finds at rummage sales!

  2. You are lovely! It's nice to "see" you! I love the pink shirt and the jacket and the wood backdrop! Nice composition.
