To blog or not to blog, that is the question. This evening the answer is--to blog. It has been a very full couple of weeks and only time will tell if or where this exercise of blogging falls in the new framework of life. Here is a small something that brought a smile to my heart recently.
However, they are also much more expensive than run-of-the-mill goats, because apparently I am not the only one who admires them. So, armed with the awareness that in the scheme of life spots on goats are not important, I settled the matter--I would never own a spotted goat and that was okay. I would aim instead for owning a couple of good milk goats.
That is no longer true. K is home from missionary training a week ago, and when Dad and C went to get her stuff they brought home two goats. One was the doe K had learned to milk (and expertly I might add), the other a young whether for meat. She had meant to send me pictures, but in the course of studies and life had forgotten. We had talked about the goats, but never what they looked like. As the time for her to leave drew near, we offered the owners a pitifully low figure for the two with our apologies and the understanding that we would in no way be offended if they declined; it was simply all we could afford to spend.
Not only was the offer agreed to, it was the same low price they had thought of themselves. In addition to the goats and some hay, they sent a milking stand, a stainless bucket and lid, natural wormer and some other supplies, and this after trimming their hooves and worming them. We were greatly blessed. And then they arrived.
When I looked into the trailer I caught my breath, and then I almost cried. I hadn't told Hunky or anyone else how much I wanted a spotted goat. The Lord was the only One who knew. So as I gazed upon our new doe I knew I was looking at the carefully chosen gift from a kind and tender-hearted Heavenly Father who loves me. The doe is SO spotted. She is interesting and unique and lovely. And, also of importance, she gives an easy and generous quart of delicious milk each day.
I don't think enough on the love of God, although I love Him, and I know that He loves me. I suppose maybe I don't want to expect or demand these kinds of blessings. Or maybe I just don't want to be disappointed. We live in a fallen world with fallen people and life reflects that, so I try to keep all that in the right perspective, and then in so doing I am surprised by His small kindnesses to me. But the truth is that God is Love. It's not a greeting card sentiment or some vague spiritual mantra. It is the very word of God found in the scriptures. It is who He is. It is the Truth. And where it matters most is in the salvation of my soul, but if it takes a spotted goat to remind me, I will be very happy with that as well.
By this the love of God was manifested in us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we might live through Him. 1 John 4:9